Hey folks, it's been a long while since I last posted. I guess usually that's a good thing, since it typically means I'm able to do more and more besides sit in front of my computer all day (or do something different while I'm sitting here, like actually write up some of my research). Aaaannnyway, It's been a pretty busy month or so. After the last round of chemo (round 8), I spent a couple days trying to recover in time to go to Hawaii (woohoo!) for my college buddy's wedding. I was a tad worried when I wasn't feeling that great on Sunday, since our flight was on Tuesday, but it all worked out and I was fine (though a little tired) by the time we had to go to the airport. After coming back from Hawaii I had about a week to recover from that (I guess somehow I managed to have energy while there but my body kind of revolted and crashed a bit when I came back) before walking for graduation. Then it was on to round 9, my last in-patient chemo and my last chemo with doxorubicin (adriamycin).
Woo hoo Oa'hu
I was a little concerned about bringing my neupogen shots on the plane, but the security folks weren't really phased by it at all. I brought the syringes in a little soft-sided lunchbox cooler that Serena and I found at Target. I had a note from my doctor all prepared, but didn't even need it. The guy did ask to look inside the cooler, but all he said was, "Is it medical?" I nodded my head and that was good enough. (Funny enough, on the way back the guards were more concerned with the orange and jars of jam that I had in my bag than the needles).
So of course Hawaii was beautiful and awesome. My friend Tom (from high school - wait, actually from MIDDLE school!) surprised us at the airport with a lei greeting and took us to a place in Chinatown for lunch. Tommy decided to up and move to Hawaii for a year or so, since his brother is stationed there right now with the Navy. Tom and his bro live up in Kailua, which has a gorgeously long stretch of beach with very few people on it. Quite the difference from the touristy bustle of Waikiki.
Our hotel in Waikiki was a little rundown but had a kitchenette and fridge (though at first we thought the fridge might not be working - it took a while to cool off), so that was good for storing the neupogen shots and cold drinks. We spent most of the days driving around the island or hanging out with friends who were in town for the wedding. I'll let the pics speak for themselves (err, with the help of captions, that is).
A mini-reunion of our freshman dorm. I'm standing next to Michael, my freshman year roommate. There were tons of other Stanford folks there too, which made for lots of fun.
Graduation (6/15/08)
Graduation was actually more fun than I was expecting. The day wasn't too hot, and though the ceremony was its normal bit of tedium, it was fun to see people there having a good time with their friends and family. Plus, it was nice to celebrate something after all that's happened (thanks for the perspective, Blase). For those of you who might be confused, no I haven't actually graduated yet. As a PhD student, if you're close to graduating, they will let you walk during the graduation ceremony (for PhDs, you are "hooded" by your advisor), but you don't actually get your diploma. Here are some pics:
Round 9 (6/16-6/18/08)
Well, as I said before, this was my last in-patient chemo AND my last chemo with doxorubicin (adriamycin). From here on out, when I get this set it'll just be VC (vincristine, cyclophosfamide), which is just a one day infusion. So the remaining chemo cycles will alternate between four days (ifosfamide, etoposide) and one day every three weeks. Just eight more cycles to go!
Right now I'm feeling pretty good (6/23/08), although I last week I was apparently a little anemic. Not enough to need a blood transfusion, but I think it was enough to make me feel really tired and worn out when I went climbing yesterday (I know, I should probably just be happy to be able to climb at all and not complain about how well I'm climbing, but I guess that's the overachiever in me. Besides, what's the world coming to when you can only do a 5.9 and can't make it all the way up a 5.10a at Planet Granite? Honestly...). It's actually not too bad if I take long rests between climbs, but if I try and do anything that requires a modicum of endurance, my whole body starts to feel like it's about to collapse. It's such a strange feeling, because it's much more sudden than if you were normally just exhausted from exercise, but it also recovers more quickly as well.
Oh, and there's one more bit of good news! My scans were totally clear! I had an MRI of my pelvis and it showed that the nefarious "butt bump" has totally gone away. My chest CT showed that the little lung nodules are still there, but as we thought before, this probably means that they're just from an old infection or something. My doctor thinks it's very unlikely that one tumor would respond to the chemo but the others wouldn't, so basically the nodules should have gone away if they're tumor. Since they didn't, it seems like they're not. Woohoo!
you didn't call or email me when you and serena were in hawaii??? just joking, sounds like you had a lot of fun, and congrats on the pseudo-graduation!!!
Hi Alex,
It was so great to see you get hooded at the EE ceremony - congratulations! What an achievement :) I'm also really glad to hear that your treatment is going well. Jia1 you2!
Hi Alex,
Congratulations on being hooded! Looks like you had a really fun trip to Hawaii- those pictures are gorgeous. Thanks for all the updates, and for the post on my facebook wall awhile back. :-)
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